Monday, May 6, 2024

Falling in love with amaltas in the mad heat of Delhi

Amaltas on a road divider in Delhi: Photo by Sanjay Gupta


When people say, “May heaven's choicest blessings be showered upon you”—a  popular wish, spoken frequently at weddings—they could be visualizing amaltas, also known as “the golden shower tree.” 

This yellow beauty wears multiple monikers. Indian laburnum and Cassia fistula (the botanical name) are fairly well known. Somewhat less common, but more significant from historical and health points of view, are Aragvadha (meaning disease killer) and Rajavriksha (the royal tree)—both of which find mention in Charaka Samhita, the oldest Indian treatise on Ayurveda.

There are several other names, too. But I'm particularly fond of amaltas and how easily it rolls off your tongue with a lyrical feel: amal-taas.

Different parts of this tree provide different medicinal benefits. It is said to have anti-inflammatory and laxative properties, and is useful in arthritis and skin diseases, among other ailments. Killer of diseases indeed!

For me, amaltas represents soothing drops of nectar sent from above for the benefit of parched souls. Especially for Delhiites sweating it out in the scorching days of May and June.

Amaltas in full bloom

The signs of delicate yellow on slender, otherwise-nondescript branches of the medium-sized tree begin to appear in April. Come May and the golden shower works its magic everywhere. On trees planted along traffic dividers. In clusters across city parks. In fortunate folks’ backyards. Just about anywhere.

Take one look at the pleasant flowers twinkling invitingly and the heat that has been oppressing you relents a bit. Pause a little longer to drink their blessings and a cool reassurance percolates in your being.

In the sweltering afternoons of harsh city life, the relief that sightings of amaltas bring to me—and countless others I'm sure—is immense. The yellow petals, swaying in the wind, make your spirit soar and put the bounce back in your step.

Trees remain Nature’s most benevolent, most visible marks on a rapidly deteriorating Earth. Let’s give a shout-out to one of their most lovable manifestations.

“Love you, amaltas!”

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Why Meditation is the Crown Jewel of Yoga and How You can Benefit

Around 300 million people are said to practice yoga worldwide. It may seem a huge number but it’s less than 4% of the global population of 8 billion. The folks doing meditation — which is an integral part of yoga — would be far fewer.

For me, these statistics matter a lot. Because I’m a strong advocate of yoga, especially meditation. And as a fairly long-time practitioner (10+ years of meditation every day), I want to say a few things about what meditation involves, and why I think it’s the best gift of yoga and why every human being on the planet should do it — regardless of country, belief, or social status.

According to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, meditation or dhyana is the stage between dharana and samadhi in what the sage called Ashtanga or eight limbs of yoga. So one begins to focus on a single object in dharana and when that focus becomes smooth and uninterrupted, it becomes dhyana. Drawing upon my own experience, I can say that meditation makes you feel full of peace, joy, and contentment: after a “successful” session, your physical pains and mental anguish melt away, and a supreme sense of calm and blessedness takes root. (With more practice and sticking to it regularly, success comes more frequently and naturally.)

Most people largely relate to yoga and are more familiar with its third limb, asana — the numerous body postures that bring balance and health to the practitioners. Unfortunately, only a few know about or practice meditation.

Here I would like to highlight dhyana or meditation as something that is very simple and accessible (simpler and easier to follow than asanas for most people, I’d say). And if practiced regularly by a sufficiently large number of people, meditation can bring about a profound change not only in their own mental and spiritual wellbeing but also in the overall health and sustainability of our planet.

What has meditation got to do with the Earth’s sustainability, one might wonder?

Let me briefly recount how our mind works and how meditation can help.

The human mind is a constant cauldron of thoughts good and bad. It is a fantastic, majestic contraption, no doubt — one that has left every other species behind in controlling and dominating the space and resources of the planet. From using tools to innovating in industrial technologies to the current boom in artificial intelligence, humans have used their minds to an absolutely complex and remarkable degree. They have created innumerable products to make life more comfortable and devised countless ways to “spend time” for pleasure.

Alongside the good parts, however, a lot of “badness” has gone unfiltered to create all sorts of havoc: pollution, inequality, hunger, war, and disease. So much so that we are at a precipice, looking at disastrous possibilities for the human “race” (pun intended).

This chaos and impending disaster is reflected not only at a global level but also at multiple levels — regions, countries, cities, societies, and families are struggling to deal with it. Ultimately, it boils down to the individual level.

So, when an individual — you, me, everybody — sits down to meditate for a few minutes each day, it helps them deal with this internal chaos. Closing our eyes to the external world for a few moments and looking inward with peace and calm can help nurture our thoughts in the right direction. Meditation helps us reset our intent for being in this world and heals our relationship with fellow humans and creatures. It allows us to question our inner selves as to what is it that gives us real joy, real happiness? What is it that makes our life worth it? What is the meaning of it all? Why do we do what we do?

With our breathing calm, our body at rest, and our mind attuned to the inner voice that otherwise gets drowned in the daily noise of external exigencies, meditation opens up great possibilities for peaceful, better answers to our turmoil.

[Those new to the “process of meditation” my find this post I wrote a few years back useful: How to sit down in meditation.]

Imagine the change that millions of meditating souls can bring about! Change that is peaceful, positive, and “progressive” in the truly meaningful sense of the word.

You don’t have to listen to me — but please do listen to your inner voice. Do spend some quality time each day with your own self: meditate.

Namaskar and happy meditating :)

Friday, May 12, 2023

How about SLMs - Small Language Models?


Image by BNP Design Studio

I know large language models, LLMs as they are called in AI circles, are all the rage these days. But lately, I’ve been thinking of SLMs — small language models.

Not that I’m the first one to think small in this way. For example, when people are angry with each other, they prefer to speak in SLMs.

Exhibit A: The husband has a mere twitch of the lips when the wifey stops him right there. “Shut up! Don’t say a word!” [I wanted to flip the gender stereotype here and wanted the hubby to be saying the shut-up command, but something told me it wouldn’t fly, so I shut that thought out.]

SLMs are especially popular with other (often better) animals than humans. A coo-oo, clack-clack or screech often does the job better than voluminous human speech.

And then, sometimes, the smallness of some models becomes so infinitesimally small that no words — and hence no language, not to speak of models — are required at all.

A sharp look in someone’s direction, a press of the hand on a shoulder that needs pressing in a certain way, or a shared moment in silence is all that is needed.

Sometimes I wonder what’s going to happen with so many towers of LLM babble being created and business models being built on top (models atop models, huh?) We might even be drowning in a frothy alphabet soup without digesting a single letter.

And just as I was going on further with this post, a voice hit out at me from somewhere: “Time to shut up now!” (Thankfully, it’s my own goddamn brain and not a Neuralink implant freaking out.)

I looked at my analog watch and felt happy to see the second hand moving, regardless of what’s going on in the world.

Monday, March 20, 2023

So, Have You Decided to be Happy Today?


Today is the day you can be technically happy, regardless of where you live in the world. Yes, it’s the International Day of Happiness.

We just got off celebrating International Women’s Day. And before we could relax, there’s this Happiness day!

It seems the modern world can’t do something unless there’s a day assigned to it: You, here, take this day, do this or that!

Shall we return to the same old sadness that has pervaded our lives all through the year—minus the one day we are talking about?

IMHO, we should celebrate these days on ALL days: Women’s Day, Men’s Day, Choose-Who-You-Want-to-be-Day, Earth Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Parents’ Day, Children’s Day, Environment Day, Health Day, Joy Day, Forgiveness Day, Friendship Day, No-Enemies-Day, No-War-Day! And oh, by the way, No-Day-Day!!

Plus, of course, any other day that makes you really, really happy 🙂

Tell ya what: forget the date. Celebrate the day. Today. Then every single day.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

How CXOs Can Navigate the Heady Mix of AI, Crypto, Cloud...

Photo Imaging by Sanjay Gupta

If the recent hype around ChatGPT is anything to go by, the world seems to be reaching an inflection point in artificial intelligence (AI) and associated tools. (GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, a large language model for generating text using deep learning.)

But AI is just one of several pathbreaking tech tools that CX and IT decision makers have at their disposal today to take their businesses to even higher levels of efficiency and agility. What will the future hold for contactless commerce and how is the customer experience being shaped and reshaped in retail? Should they experiment with the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and if so, how? What caveats lie ahead in a world pummeled by privacy challenges and user-trust issues?

Thankfully, insights from Harvard Business Review are at hand for CXOs to navigate the present with an eye on the future—in the form of a slim yet powerful guide of a book titled The Year in Tech 2023.

The book is neatly arranged into four sections with a view to providing some holistic crystal-gazing across a chosen set of emerging and mature technologies. The sections are named perceptively: The New Fundamentals (covering the metaverse, NFTs, stablecoins, contactless commerce, and the talent question); Fresh Takes on Mature Tech (the cloud, cookies, and ransomware); AI for the Rest of Us (data quality, no-code platforms, warehouse automation); and Trust Me (digital design choices and variation of digital trust around the world).

One of the best things about HBR’s content is its clarity and simplicity, and the same is reflected in this book—something that should be appreciated by the ever-pressed-for-time decision makers. And if they want to go in-depth into any topic that particularly interests them, there’s a ton of information on the web already.

Another highlight of the book is that it often seeks to present scenarios with an ethical lens. Socially responsible and forward-thinking enterprises will be able to benefit from such treatment.

Let me now give you a sampling of the insights gleaned from it.

One of my favorite passages is how the nature and function of the retail store will change dramatically in a contactless world [not fully contactless, I believe, but a mix determined by caution and convenience]. “It will become a space festooned with interactive displays and kiosks, virtual reality zones, and an array of robotic helpers, with fulfillment done from off-site warehouses or direct to the customer.”

A key factor in capitalizing on the opportunities and mitigating the risks, according to the book, will be the extent to which retailers can create “immersive, content-rich experiences that are highly personalized” for individual consumers.

Creating such personalized customer experiences will, of course, rely on the growing capabilities of AI tools. And while we are nowhere near generating $13 trillion of value each year (by 2030) predicted by the McKinsey Global Institute, the renewed interest in AI ever since ChatGPT broke onto the scene will only accelerate the competition among providers and the adoption among users.

Businesses of all sizes will play a role in such an accelerated adoption—and not just the Googles, Amazons, Facebooks, and Microsofts of the world who wield enormous compute and data power in their sprawling server farms.

The question is, How?

An interesting answer is given by Andrew Ng (of Baidu, Coursera, and Google Brain fame) in the chapter AI Doesn’t Have to be Too Expensive or Complicated. He posits that for far too long, much of the AI research was driven by software-centric development (also called model-centric development). In this model, the data is fixed and teams aim to optimize or invent new programs to learn well from the available data. Companies, especially tech giants, with large data sets used it to drive innovation. At AI’s current sophistication levels, however, argues Andrew, the bottleneck for many applications is getting the right data to feed to the software. In this context, it may be more fruitful to make sure companies have “good data” and not just “big data.”

This shift in approach implies that the data should be reasonably comprehensive in its coverage of important cases and labeled consistently. “Data is food for AI, and modern AI systems need not only calories, but also high-quality nutrition,” he writes. He calls the new model “data-centric AI development.”

To extend the benefit of AI to small and midsize businesses, no-code platforms that have been gaining traction of late will become increasingly important, the book notes in another chapter in the same section: “Where a team of engineers was once required to build a piece of software, now users with a web browser and an idea have the power to bring that idea to life themselves.” Most importantly, low-code platforms are making it possible to deploy AI without hiring “an army of expensive developers and data scientists.” (So ‘data scientist’ may not continue to be the sexiest job of the century after all!)

Among the mature technologies, the cloud will become even more compelling to business leaders in terms of embracing it for more workloads and use cases. The book cites how the cloud enabled the rapid development of the Covid-19 vaccine for Moderna, a relatively small firm compared to the pharma giants. Thanks to the flexibility and power of the cloud, Moderna was able to build and scale its operations on the cloud, and was able to “deliver its first clinical batch to the National Institutes of Health for phase one trial only 42 days after initial sequencing” of the virus.

Let’s switch back to an emerging star that continues to bewilder and bemuse CXOs across industries: the metaverse. For one, the book offers a relatively clearer definition of the metaverse: any digital experience on the internet that is persistent, immersive, three-dimensional, and virtual. Metaverse experiences enable people to play, work, connect, or buy (while the experiences are virtual, the things bought can be virtual or real).

Beyond the obvious use cases of gaming, virtual showrooms, and fashion shows, the book urges leaders to “look for applications” in less explored areas. “Almost every chief marketing officer already has made, or will soon make, a public commitment to sustainability-related environmental, social, and governance goals, and they will soon be measurable. What can you pilot in the metaverse that allows you to test more sustainable approaches to serving your customers?”

Such questioning by various stakeholders can open up the floodgates to innovative use cases of the metaverse and NFTs. The latter, driven by blockchain technology, have enabled a whole new range of ownership and trading activities in the digital realm.

Last but not the least, the book’s section on building and promoting digital trust, Trust Me, not only looks at interesting data on consumer attitudes and behaviors on digital trust around the globe, it stresses on the need for brands to make their design choices more carefully.

“When making design choices on a platform, managers should step back from short-term and narrow metrics like conversions and think through the broader questions about the value they create for their stakeholders,” it says. To get going, there are five questions brands must consider:

  1. Are you transparent about prices and fees?
  2. Do you make it easy to cancel your service?
  3. Do you use default settings in a way that is genuinely helpful for customers?
  4. Do you frame choices in a misleading way?
  5. Do you create content that is addictive? [especially social media and video]

Most of the big tech platforms are routinely scrutinized and censured these days by regulators around the world for engaging in practices for short-term commercial gains that are harmful to consumers in the long term. We constantly hear of lawsuits, fines, and penalties.

However, businesses and brands that care for the long-term value they give to customers don’t have to wait for regulation to catch up—and make a fresh start themselves by following the best practices in developing digital trust and wellbeing. They can answer the above five questions honestly and take more proactive steps to protect consumers as well as their own reputation, and build lasting value for multiple stakeholders.

Thank you for reading and wish you all the best in treading the tech path in 2023 and beyond with caution, care, and accomplishment!

(Note: This post was first published on under a different headline and cover image.)